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Kick-off meeting to interconnect the Uzbek Customs system
Uzbek Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat held the first kick-off meeting to interconnect the Uzbek Customs System with the eTIR International System.
An information meeting between the Armenian Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat
Amenian Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat held a first information meeting to study the interconnection of the Armenian Customs System with the eTIR international system.
Capacity building workshop: implementation of the eTIR international system in the ESCWA region
ESCWA organized in cooperation with UNECE, IRU and Euro Med Transport Support Project a capacity building workshop “Implementation of the eTIR International System in the ESCWA region” on 16 and 17 December 2020. More than 140 participants from 15 ESCWA member States participated at this regional capacity building workshop.
Morocco Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat meeting
Morocco Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat held an informative meeting concerning the interconnection of Morocco Customs System with the eTIR International System
Meeting between the Georgian Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat
Georgian Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat held the first kick-off meeting to interconnect the Georgian Customs System with the eTIR International System
Kick-off meeting to interconnect the Pakistan Customs system
Pakistan Customs Administration / Directorate General of Transit Trade, Karachi /Directorate of Reforms & Automation (Customs), Karachi/ Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad and the TIR Secretariat held the first kick-off meeting to interconnect the Pakistan Customs system with the eTIR International System
Meeting between the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova and the TIR Secretariat
The Customs Administration of the Republic of Moldova and the TIR Secretariat held an informative meeting concerning the interconnection of the Moldova Customs system with the eTIR International System
The meeting between the Turkish Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat
Turkish Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat held the first kick-off meeting to interconnect the Turkish Customs System with the eTIR International System.