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This list of error codes is specific to the eTIR system and it allows IT teams to better understand errors while implementing the interconnection to the eTIR international system. This should result in a faster implementation overall and more accurate responses to errors from the system sending messages to the eTIR international system.
Document Type




The eTIR international system is based on web services that are exchanged between the different stakeholders. The messages exchanged using these web services are specified and used according to the rules detailed in the eTIR Specifications. When the eTIR international system receives and processes a request message sent by an eTIR stakeholder, it performs a series of validation on the message itself, on the context of related guarantee, holder or transport and issues a response to the system which has sent the message in the first place. If anything goes wrong during these validation and processing steps, an error is sent back in the response. This error is presented as an Error code with a Pointer which can be used to point towards a specific field of the message. The list of all error codes is available in the Code List 99 and is also reproduced on this page for ease of reference, and as a living document, representing the latest version of these codes.

In addition, when the eTIR international system sends request messages to an eTIR stakeholder, this recipient should perform the same validations and use the same error codes to send back any error it might find in the request message.


Specifications of the Error Codes

  • This list of error codes is specific to the eTIR system and it allows IT teams to better understand errors while implementing the interconnection to the eTIR international system. This should result in a faster implementation overall and more accurate responses to errors from the system sending messages to the eTIR international system.
  • Furthermore, a detailed error code system will also greatly simplify the communication between the stakeholders and the eTIR service desk, in case of issue, to identify and correct the underlying issue.
  • The list of error codes is based on best practices from the IT industry. Like the list of HTTP status codes, all error codes have three digits, and the first digit of the status code defines the class of response:
    • 1XX - Validation: validation of the message and if its parameters
    • 2XX - Workflow: workflow related errors
    • 3XX - Functional: other functional errors
    • 4XX - Internal: eTIR international system internal errors
    • 5XX - Customs: errors raised by Customs
  • Each class of response has a default error code which indicates at least the class of the error if it cannot be more precise.


List of error codes

In the following list, the following terms are used:

  • Message: An XML message
  • Field: An XML element or attribute
  • Value: The value mentioned in an XML element or attribute

1XX - Validation errors

Error codeError nameDescriptionPointer is set toObservations


Invalid messageThe message is invalid, and no additional details are available for this errorRoot of the messageThis is the default error code for this class


Missing fieldA required field is missing in the messageThe pointer is set to the missing fieldAll requests


Invalid domain for the valueThe value is outside a defined list of acceptable valuesThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldAll requests


Malformed dateA field containing a date value cannot be properly convertedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI1/I2, I7/I8, I9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14, I17/I18, E1/E2, E3/E4, E9/E10, E11/E12, E13/E14


Not an integerA numeric field contains a value that is not numericThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, E9/E10, E11/E12, E13/E14


Field value length exceededA String field contains a value with too many charactersThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldAll requests


Invalid patternA String field does not match the pattern for the field defined in the XML Schema Definition of the messageThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldAll requests


Invalid fieldThe specified field does not follow the order defined in the XML Schema Definition of the messageThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldAll requests


Missing XML attributeThe specified XML tag is missing a required attribute (e.g. formatCode for all date fields)The pointer is set to the invalid fieldI1/I2, I7/I8, I9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14, I17/I18, E1/E2, E3/E4, E9/E10, E11/E12, E13/E14


Invalid XML attributeThe specified XML tag has an invalid attribute value (e.g. formatCode for all date fields)The pointer is set to the invalid fieldI1/I2, I7/I8, I9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14, I17/I18, E1/E2, E3/E4, E9/E10, E11/E12, E13/E14


Too many digitsThe number has too many digitsThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, E9/E10


Too much precisionThe number has a decimal part with too many digitsThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, E9/E10


Invalid eTIR specifications versionThe version specified in the metadata fields is not the one(s) approved to function in the eTIR systemThe pointer is set to the invalid metadata fieldAll messages


Condition C001 failureThe condition C001 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, I15/I16, E9/E10, E11/E12


Condition C002 failureThe condition C002 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, I15/I16, E9/E10, E11/E12


Condition C003 failureThe condition C003 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, I15/I16, E9/E10, E11/E12


Condition C004 failureThe condition C004 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, I15/I16, E9/E10, E11/E12


Condition C005 failureThe condition C005 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, I15/I16, E9/E10, E11/E12


Condition C006 failureThe condition C006 is not satisfiedNo pointerThis condition applies to all response messages


Condition C007 failureThe condition C007 is not satisfiedNo pointerThis condition applies to response messages: E9/E10, E13/E14


Condition C008 failureThe condition C008 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, E9/E10


Condition C009 failureThe condition C009 is not satisfiedNo pointerThis condition applies to response messages: E11/E12


Condition C010 failureThe condition C010 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI15/I16, E11/E12


Rule R001 failureThe rule R001 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, I15/I16, E9/E10


Rule R002 failureThe rule R002 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, I15/I16, E9/E10


Rule R008 failureThe rule R008 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI7/I8, I15/I16, E9/E10, E11/E12


Rule R010 failureThe rule R010 is not satisfiedThe pointer is set to the invalid fieldI17/I18, E11/E12


Rule R012 failureThe rule R012 is not satisfiedNo pointerI7/I8


Rule R013 failureThe rule R013 is not satifiedNo pointerI7/I8

2XX - Workflow errors

Error codeError nameDescriptionPointer is set toObservations


Invalid stateThe state of an internal object is invalid, and no additional details are available for this errorRoot of the messageThis is the default error code for this class


Invalid guarantee statusThe guarantee is not in a state that allows to perform the required operationRoot of the messageI1/I2, I9/II10, I11/I12, I13/I14


Guarantee not cancellableThe guarantee is not in a state that allows to cancel itRoot of the messageE3/E4


Guarantee already registeredThe guarantee has already been registeredRoot of the messageE1/E2


Guarantee already cancelledThe guarantee is already cancelled or the request to cancel it has already been sentRoot of the messageE3/E4


Operation already startedThe operation is already startedRoot of the messageI9/I10


Operation already terminatedThe operation has already been completedRoot of the messageI11/I12


Operation already dischargedThe operation is already dischargedRoot of the messageI13/I14


Operation not yet startedThe operation is not yet startedRoot of the messageI11/I12, I13/I14, E11/E12


Operation ID already registeredThe "refusal to start" is an operation on its own and must have a unique operation IDRoot of the messageI17/I18


Operation sequence already registeredThe "refusal to start" is an operation on its own and must have a unique operation sequenceRoot of the messageI17/I18



Refusal to start not authorizedThe "refusal to start" cannot be performed because of the current guarantee status or because it is the first operation for this transportRoot of the messageI17/I18


Declaration not yet receivedThe operation cannot be started because the declaration was not receivedRoot of the messageI9/I10


Invalid operations numberDeclared number of operations exceeds the authorized maximum operation number for that specific guaranteeRoot of the messageI7/I8, E9/E10, E11/E12


Duplicate messageThe same message was already received from the same sourceRoot of the messageI9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14

3XX - Functional errors

Error codeError nameDescriptionPointer is set toObservations


Invalid operationAn invalid operation was performed, and no additional details are available for this errorRoot of the messageThis is the default error code for this class


Guarantee not foundThe guarantee was not found in the databaseTo the guarantee reference (if applicable)I1/I2, I5/I6, I7/I8, I9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14, I17/I18, E3/E4, E5/E6, E9/E10, E11/E12, E13/E14


Guarantee chain not foundThe guarantee chain was not found in the databaseRoot of the messageI9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14, I17/I18, E1/E2, E3/E4


Guarantee type not foundThe guarantee type was not found in the databaseRoot of the messageI9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14, I17/I18, E1/E2, E3/E4


Customs office not foundThis error code is not used in the eTIR specifications v4.3, except in the context of the message pair I19/I20Root of the messageI19/I20


Country not foundThe country was not found in the databaseRoot of the messageI7/I8, I9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14


Control type not foundThe control type was not found in the databaseTo the control type field, if applicableI9/I10, I11/I12, I17/I18


Declaration not foundThe related declaration was not found in the database I7/I8


Forward information not foundThe eTIR international system could not find information on whom to forward the message toRoot of the messageE9/E10 / E11/E12, E13/E14


Seals information already registeredThe information received about the mentioned seal was already recorded in the databaseTransportEquipment/Seal/IDI9/I10, I11/I12


Seals information should not be sentThe seal's information should not be sent in the record declaration data message TransportEquipment/Seal/IDI7/I8


Invalid sender informationIncorrect or missing information about the sender
Root of the messageE9/E10, E11/E12,E13/E14


Holder/Guarantee mismatchThe holder id value and the guarantee reference value do not match what is recorded in the databaseRoot of the messageI1/I2, I7/I8, E3/E4


Holder not authorizedThe holder is not authorized in the International TIR Data Bank (ITDB)Root of the messageE1/E2, I1/I2, I9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14


Holder not foundThe holder is not found in the International TIR Data Bank (ITDB)The holder/Principal IDE1/E2, E5/E6, I1/I2, I3/I4, I5/I6, I9/I10, I11/I12, I13/I14


Guarantee chain not authorizedThe guarantee chain is not authorized in the databaseRoot of the messageI1/I2, E1/E2, E5/E6


Guarantee chain/Guarantee mismatchThe guarantee chain code value and the guarantee reference value do not match what is recorded in the databaseRoot of the messageI1/I2, E3/E4


Guarantee type/Guarantee mismatchThe guarantee type value and the guarantee reference value do not match what is recorded in the databaseRoot of the messageI1/I2, E3/E4


Declaration reference not foundThe FunctionalReferenceID value does not match what is already recorded in the database
Declaration/FunctionalReferenceIDE11/E12, E13/E14


Declaration already cancelledThe declaration could not be modified because it was already cancelled
DeclarationE11/E12, E13/E14


Transport equipment not registeredThe transport equipment not found in the database
Consignment/TransportEquipment/IDI9/I10, I11/I12


Declaration already receivedThe declaration could not be registred because it was already received

4XX - Internal errors

Error codeError nameDescriptionPointer is set toObservations


eTIR internal errorAn internal error in the eTIR international system occurred and no additional details are available for this errorRoot of the messageThis is the default error code for this class


File handling issueIssue in processing the attached documentsRoot of the messageI5/I6, I7/I8, I15/I16

5XX - Customs errors

Error codeError nameDescriptionPointer is set toObservations


Customs declaration processing errorThe message was not accepted by customs and no additional details are available for this errorRoot of the messageThis is the default error code for this class


Advance TIR data not accepted

Customs did not accept the advance TIR dataRoot of the messageE9/E10


Advance amendment data not accepted

Customs did not accept the advance amendment dataRoot of the messageE11/E12


Connection issue

Service is not availableRoot of the messageThis is the default error code for this class

*Pending TIB approval