The first meeting with the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) and the TIR Secretariat
The meeting was attended by the delegations of IRICA (7 delegates), IRU (1 delegate), and the TIR Secretariat (UNECE).
After a brief tour de table, ECE presented the project overview, a proposed project methodology, and a technical overview of the eTIR international system as well as information regarding the possible financing of the project. After the questions and answers session, the participants took the following decisions:
- ECE will share a project guidelines document by the end of the week (including a tentative schedule and communication plan).
- IRICA will inform ECE about the composition of their project team.
- ECE and IRICA will jointly prepare the ToR for the consultants once IRICA will identify the required workload and type of assistance
- Date of next meeting