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The meeting between the Turkish Customs Administration and the TIR Secretariat

The meeting was attended by the delegations of Turkish Customs (7 delegates), IRU (1 delegate), and the TIR Secretariat (UNECE).

After a brief tour de table, ECE presented the project overview, a proposed draft project methodology, and a technical overview of the eTIR international system and answered various questions.

The participants, acknowledging the progress already accomplished by Turkey in the framework of the eTIR pilot projects, agreed on the follow-up actions below:

  • Turkey confirmed its readiness to remain a leading country with regard to all the development related to eTIR. 
  • Turkey will inform about the composition of their project team.
  • Turkey will amend the project plan and schedule (Gantt chart) and check the communication plan.
  • Turkey will send any question they would have to André by email, including on the Gantt chart, the communication plan, or the eTIR specifications.
  • Next meeting.